Save Space/ Brave Space

For years the idea of creating a safe space was an essential conversation in any intentional community or gathering space. Recently the idea of “brave space” has gained popularity. At Ahava, we are interested in a both/and approach and curious how both brave and safe spaces can be integrated to support our community. Let's delve into the meanings and the significance of each.

Brave space is a concept that invites communities to foster an environment where individuals not only feel safe to express themselves but also are encouraged to challenge one another. It embraces the idea of taking risks, being vulnerable, and exploring personal beliefs and values. In a brave space, growth, transformation, and meaningful conversations can flourish.

On the other hand, safe space represents a concept that urges communities to cultivate an environment characterized by respect, inclusivity, and freedom from judgment. It is a space in which individuals can freely express themselves without fear of negative consequences or criticism. Safe spaces encourage openness, honesty, and authenticity.

Both brave space and safe space are invaluable components of spiritual communities. Brave space empowers individuals to take risks, engage in challenging dialogues, and delve into their beliefs. But if people don’t feel safe, a brave space can be risky. Safe space, on the other hand, fosters an atmosphere of openness and honesty, where individuals can express themselves without the fear of being judged. Having the foundation of a safe space, created by shared agreements lays the foundation from which we can move into a brave space that challenges and inspires. By creating an environment that embraces acceptance, respect, and openness, individuals can explore their beliefs and values without apprehension. Such an environment cultivates meaningful conversations, personal growth, and transformative experiences.

To establish and uphold this environment, spiritual communities must wholeheartedly embrace diversity and inclusion. This means welcoming and accepting all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other aspect of their identity. It involves embracing diverse perspectives and actively engaging with them. Take the initiative to reach out to those who may feel marginalized or excluded, ensuring that everyone feels genuinely welcome and respected. Dedicate time and effort to engage with diverse perspectives in an open and respectful manner.

Through the embracing of diversity and inclusion, spiritual communities can create an environment where people are free to express themselves, challenge one another, and explore their beliefs. Each one of us holds the responsibility to take action and ensure that our spiritual communities are both brave and safe spaces for all. Let us work together to foster an environment where growth, understanding, and love can thrive.


Letting Go


Healing Toxic Relationships