Taking it to the Streets

April theme — Giant Gentleness Week 3 — Taking it to the Streets

Affirmation:  I breathe gentleness into all the ways our communities and cultures evolve.

It doesn’t matter what the topic or situation is. This is ours to do. Let’s amp up our gentleness and respond “in kind.”

This week Rev. Rainbow reminded us that Love is the guiding force if we choose to tune in to it. Fundamental to Science of Mind is Love.  Love is the very essence of gentleness.  So, this week we foster gentleness in three key areas of our lives to give us some perspective and breathing room. 

“The Principle of Love is … the great transforming Power, which brings everything into harmony.”  ~ Ernest Holmes – New Thought Dictionary, p 87

“If we would look for a God of love we must look long and deeply into each other.  We must look away from the differences until we penetrate into the Unity of the Whole.  Love alone reveals love.  Hate but hides the gleam.”  ~ Ernest Holmes – What Religious Science Teaches, p 12

“Life is not only where we are, It is what we are; It is in us as well as around us, and Its whole impulsion is Love.  The Universe does rest on the shoulders of Love.  Love is the real lodestone of life.” ~Ernest Holmes – 10 Ideas That Make a Difference, p 53

AHA moments from members:

  • Give yourself space to see things from a new perspective.

  • Let go of what others think of you, to fully love yourself and show up authentically.

  • Stand strong in the field of Love and highest vibration.

Watch this service on YouTube


Sew Spiritual


Loving “the Other”