The Inner Landscape

May theme — From Good to Great to Grand Week 1 — The Inner Landscape

Affirmation:  I remain open and curious as I explore my inner landscape.

The path to our most authentic expression starts with the exploration of our own inner landscape. Through observation, curiosity, and self discovery we uncover the “grandness” that has been there all along.

This week Rev. Rainbow explored how observation, curiosity, and discovery are essential elements to self-actualization. This becomes the starting point of our movement from Good to Great to Grand. By actively observing our own inner landscape, we gain greater insight and awareness into our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Curiosity fuels our desire to explore and ask questions, which leads us to discover and uncover new aspects of ourselves. Through this process, we reveal our passions, strengths, and values, which are vital in the journey towards self-actualization. When we are able to fully embrace this process, we create space for our continued evolution and a deeper understanding of the infinite possibilities that exist within us.

Special Guest Practitioner: Audri Scott Williams. Leading our meditation this week is guest practitioner Audri Scott Williams. She currently serves as the Spiritual Director of the Spiritual Enrichment Center in Dothan, Alabama. She is also a Global Trustee for the United Religions Initiative. As a global peace walker and advocate for evolutionary change in the world, she commits herself to creating a sustainable and viable world for generations to come, she is dedicated to the realization of the beloved community in the here and now.  Full bio on her website.

The road to self-discovery often calls for the clearing away of the underbrush of ignorance, fear, superstition, and a sense of isolation which has made us feel that we were unworthy, unheld, and lost. In the divine providence of good, salvation is unnecessary but self-discovery is essential. We do not save that which was lost, we merely discover that which needs to be found.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Richer Living, p5

AHA Moments from members:

  • Trying something new opens our perspectives.

  • Getting stuck in a routine puts up walls. There are no walls between us and Spirit.

  • Explore the caverns of your mind. Look at what wounds you find there with Love and Grace.

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