The Authentic Self

May theme — From Good to Great to Grand Week 3 — The Authentic Self

Affirmation:  My outer life exists in alignment with the truth of my most authentic self.

The path of self discovery brings us closer to our own authentic expression, moving from Good to Great to Grand.

This week Rev. Rainbow explored the steps we take in the process of self-actualization, moving from Good to Great to Grand. This process  involves aligning our thoughts, actions, and intentions. It is the pursuit of living in harmony with our authentic selves and activating that expression in our individual and communal experience. Through self-reflection and introspection, we gain awareness of our values, passions, and purpose, allowing us to align our lives with these core aspects of our being. With clear intention, we set a course for personal growth and self discovery. To live from this space goes beyond mere contemplation, requiring active engagement and activation of our authentic self in our everyday lives. It is through taking inspired action that we move beyond  limitations and expand our horizons. This is not a one and done deal, instead it is a lifelong journey, where the pursuit of alignment, intention, and activation becomes a catalyst for our continued evolution.

To be impeccable in our word is to bring our spoken word and our unspoken intention into alignment so that the inner thought and the outer action are the same.” ~ Dennis Merritt Jones, The Art of Living

Compassion and caring are the ties that bind us together in mutual understanding and in the unified attempt to uncover the Divinity in each other. Compassion is the most gentle of all human virtues, for it is the outpouring of the Divine givingness through all.” ~ Ernest Holmes, A Holmes Reader on Practical Wisdom, p61

The ultimate goal of life does not mean that we shall ever arrive at a spiritual destination where everything remains static and inactive. That which to our present understanding seems an ultimate goal will, when attained, be but the starting point for a new and further evolution.” ~ Ernest Holmes, What Religious Science Teaches, p47

AHA Moments from members:

  • Goals aren’t destinations; they are guideposts along your journey.

  • Our values are guiding principles that align us with Source.

  • When you feel like you’re on shaky ground, remember it is a spiral upwards in your evolution.

  • This evolution may feel like a slingshot, a stretch. Be open and willing to stay the course and be catepulted forward.

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* Books listed are Amazon affiliate links.


The Power of Vision


The Value Led Life