The Power of Vision

May theme — From Good to Great to Grand Week 4 — The Power of Vision

Affirmation:  The highest vision for my life leads me to authentic self-expression.

Vision is a companion to self actualization. A vision allows us to know who we are and what we can create together.

This week Rev. Rainbow explored what the movement from Good to Great to Grand looks like on a communal level. This self-actualization, when embraced from a larger perspective, involves creating supportive spaces that honor and encourage the authenticity of others. We can then begin to foster a culture where individuals feel safe to explore and express their true selves, free from judgment or fear of rejection. This extends beyond mere lip service, urging us to actively impact the world around us through meaningful actions and engagement. By aligning our values and intentions with our activity in the world, we become catalysts for positive change within our community.

There is an irresistible potential pressing against everyone for self-expression.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Creative Living, p58

What the world needs is spiritual conviction, followed by spiritual experience. I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principle than to have them repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered. It is far easier to teach the Truth than it is to practice It.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, p423

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

AHA Moments from members:

  • Get your own internal house in order, so that Life can demonstrate your values.

  • Our actions become catalysts for change. What is ours to do to make the shift on the collective?

  • Being in service of something bigger can be the catalyst for our own evolution.

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The Authentic Self